Hmmm ... to be honest, i don’t
know what i should write on this post, because i spent my whole life in my
hometown, it is not that i don’t want to travel, i just ... arrgh i was just
too lazy to travel, whenever my parents asking me to go travel with them, i
always chose to stay at home. The only places that i have visited are Pontianak,
Pontianak and Pontianak, i never traveled to other countries and other provinces.
I know, i know ... i should go explore the world right? Yeah ... my sister also
told the same thing to me that i should explore the world at least the earth of
Indonesia. Well yeah ... it doesn’t
matter, for now i will spent my life in this place till i graduate (hopefully i
could graduate from this faculty on time, because i heard it is really hard to
graduate from the faculty of engineering) and got the title ST (Sarjana Teknik) and after that with the
God permission i am going to find a scholarship for my master degree in other
country. Repeat after me! Amen.
Well back to the topic.
Hmmm ... well, about the only
places that i have visited, i lied. Lol.
30th April 2016, which
means 7 months ago. I together with my classmates were travel to Randayan
Island, it was so much fun, and i think this is my favorite place (for now). The
sea is so blue, even, you could see the corals directly from the surface, it
was my first time to do snorkeling thing and see how beautiful the sea
creatures directly from my eyes umm i mean from my snorkeling glasses, the place is so quiet, you won’t find many
people there, it feels like the place is only for us.
Unfortunately, i didn’t take any
landscape photo, but i did take photos with my classmates, and also make a
video about it. Well here it is.
I look so handsome on this photo. lol

Yeah you’re right, it is the same
video that i post on the earlier post.
Well then, i am Rizaldi, Electrical
Engineering student, signing-out. (363 words)
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Structured Assignment
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